Simplify the research of your WPS – PQR with SIRFULL™ Welding

18 May 2016

SIRFULL™ Welding offers you the possibility to rethink the way you manage your WPS-PQR of your welding activity in order to win some time in a judicious way and to enhance your know-how.

Here’s the scenario. You just defined the welding data of a project, and you want to associate a WPS. After verification, you don’t have a WPS which covers the welding data. Thus, you should start looking for a PQR for whom the validity range is covering the values of the welds.


This is a typical operation for welding coordinator. The task is even more difficult when there are numerous welds to perform and various WPS-PQR recorded and added or edited during the project.


Management established under Excel via dark macros will frequently shows its limits in terms of efficacity when the activity increases. Well realized formulas do not prevent you from making mistakes and unfortunate changes, especially in multiple use cases.


Even if you’re not a professional, you can imagine the time that such operations will cost to the manufacturers. Thus, you can’t put forward your know-how or even be reactive to the requirements of a client in the process of a project. The solution provides by SIRFULL™ Welding are the centralization of your WPS and their automatic management.


How does SIRFULL™ Welding simplify and automatize the research and the affectation of your WPS and PQR?


Simple and adjustable creation of your validity range in the function of your clients’ specificity


The application allows you to integrate one or many validity ranges in your PQR, in order to facilitate the research of a compatible PQR to your welding.


In addition to the intuitive interface, the function “research validity range” will automatically initialize in the function of the PQR form. If the clients’ specifications, or the applicable standards, come to change during the project, SIRFULL™ Welding will allow you at any time to simply revise the validity range data: Assemblage type, diameter, the thickness of the assemblage…


To sum up, SIRFULL™ Welding will bring you the top flexibility in order to answer all your clients’ demands.


A quick and effective research of your WPS-PQR only a click away


With a powerful advances research function, you’ll find in a few clicks the right PQR corresponding to the characteristics of your weld via its validity range. The function “Search for a PQR” gets automatically the right PQR in the function of the welds’ characteristics.


Ask SIRFULL™ Welding will also find a WPS adapted to your needs. The solution allows you to research the right WPS according to your welds’ characteristics.


In short, you double your time-saving!


For more information:

The function validity range research is part of a qualification module of the software SIRFULL™ Welding. Discover all the other functionalities of this module here. For any question or registration to a free Web Demo, don’t hesitate to contact one of our experts.


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